To allay further concerns about a couple of issues I would like to clear up a few things. Stage One of Monarch (Egg) is currently available ONLY through Amazon Kindle. This may change in March when my exclusivity deal with Amazon concludes. The good news in the short term is that Amazon has a Kindle App for most eDevices, except the Nook and other exclusive eReaders – my apologies for that snafu in planning the initial 12/22/2011 release.
Another issue of interest is the release of Stages Two (Larva) and Three (Chrysalis). I have decided to release Larva and Chrysalis within a few weeks of one another. This will happen in late spring. The exact dates are not yet set, but it will likely be somewhere between May 1st and July 3rd when both Stage Two and Stage Three should become available.
A couple of people have told me that they are not going to buy the eBook(s) because they are waiting for the paper version. But if there is not a substantial interest in the eBook version of Monarch, or an undeniable demand for the paper version, then Monarch will never get printed. Those awaiting a paper version of the book need either petition with the purchase of the eBook(s), or by expressing your interest by LIKING Monarch on Amazon or on the Monarch Facebook page. Because of time constraints with 12/21/2012 fast approaching, I cannot guarantee that there will be a paper version without an expressed desire on your part to read it that way. It is up to you guys and girls. If you would like to read Monarch much the same way that the main character, Ginger Reed, is reading Cipher, with paper book in hand as time ticks down to the winter solstice, you'll need to make your voices heard. I will be listening.
If you have any questions about Monarch please contact me below or by email at