
Friday, August 12, 2011

Monarch Preorder Update

For about two months, I have been consternating how I might effectively do a Presale of my first Novel.  I am by no means a well-known writer; so, I thought Amazon might be out of the picture, because they don't allow unknown writers to do "official" preorders.  Then I thought about Paypal, which would have given me a chance to send out a collectible item via the web or through the mail.  If I were to go with Paypal, I would have to figure out a way to get a digital version of the book to customers.  No biggie, right?  Except, I intended to release the book through Amazon Kindle.  This creates a potential messy financial situation that might very well throw a wrench into the whole process.   

Earlier this week, I did a test on Amazon to see whether I could do an "unofficial" Preorder for Monarch through their site; low and behold, the results seem promising.  One problem solved.  The only bad part is I will be unable to provide a collectible with the purchase of an electronic copy of my book.  Time is running short and I am afraid that the collectible may have to wait.  If my sales are good enough, I would like to release a hardcover version.  That may be the point to do a collectible.  If any of you have any ideas how I might still go about providing the collectible with the e-book, please let me know.  I am open to ideas.


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