
Monday, September 12, 2011

Stage One Update

Yesterday, Stage One reached a deadline.  If you can't keep to them, then don't make them, right?  Some people are averse to having to work on a deadline.  I'll admit there are times that they can be a nuisance, when so many things can pop up any given day.  Yet, for me, at least right now, deadlines serve a very important purpose.  This has been a tumultuous year; I have been put to the test on many fronts, and to still be able to meet my writing deadlines, to this point, despite all the tribulations, is a frickin' awesome feeling.  I'll have to write another book just to describe the gauntlet I've had to run just to reach this point in Monarch.  And what point is that?

Yesterday, I sent Stage One to my editor.  By doing this I have reached a point of no return.  From here on out it's self-published e-book or bust.  While I am anxious to get Stage One back in my hands, I am also glad for the opportunity to momentarily step back.  It will afford me a few days to focus on Stage Two.  Then, once I have received my notes on Stage One, I can make the necessary changes and polish it all up before the biggest deadline of this year, the release date for Egg.

Until I get those notes back, I shall reward myself for reaching this deadline by going to see a movie.  For those of you who are interested, I shall be seeing Contagion this afternoon and consuming copious amounts of buttered popcorn.


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