
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer's Wane (Late-August Update)

The mercury in our thermometers has begun to retreat.  Thank goodness, too.  It has been a hot summer here in the southern United States.  We topped 100 degrees on numerous occasions, and that doesn't even take into account  the humidity.  Take one step outside and you are wearing it like a wool sweater.

Fall is right around the corner, just under one month away.  I've been so busy these past few months that updating my blog has taken a back seat to getting things done.  For years prior to my starting this blog, friends told me that I should start one. I fought the temptation of being able to communicate something in an instant for a long time.  Everything changed when I decided to write a novel.  Almost everyone I sought advice from as I began preparations to self-publish talked about building a platform.  They advised that non fiction writers had to have a platform, while fiction writers--it couldn't hurt.

For any of you who keep up with my blog, or follow me anywhere else on my online "platform," I will be sending Amazon the updated version of Monarch this Friday.  It will contain stage three.  This update will be made available at Amazon's discretion.  Whichever comes first, the Amazon update for Monarch, or September 21st, will dictate when everyone else will be able to purchase their copy of Monarch: Chrysalis.

I chose to establish the twenty first of September as the default release date for stage three because:  a) It's three weeks from the day I will have sent the update to Amazon, and their rules stated a three week potential wait time; b) I promised to have Chrysalis out this summer, and the 21st is the last day of summer; and c) I promised the owners of an Amazon eBook of Monarch that I wouldn't release stage three until it was available to them first.  This was as fair as I could think to make the release of Stage Three.  If it doesn't work, I'll try and remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

Zoiks!  I've just pre-apologized.  Can you tell I've had "release" issues recently?

Ok, you're up to date.

Thanks for Reading!


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