
Monday, October 1, 2012

10/1/2012 Full-Release of Stage Three

The day is finally here.  Stage Three is available for release in it's entirety.  Amazon still has not made the update available to owners of Monarch.  I sent another email today and hope to have at least an update link available on your Manage Your Kindle page on the Amazon website in the short term.  If you took advantage of the free three-chapter opportunity, I hope you enjoyed it. Purchase Stage Three at either Amazon or Smashwords to find out if Ginger, Dmitri and Alasdair escape the city.   If you own a Smashwords copy of Monarch, you can download the new version at any time.  

I personally recommend Smashwords.  The updates are available immediately and you have several different formats to choose from, including Kindle format.

*A little secret: If you downloaded Monarch: Chrysalis (Coccon) for free from Smashwords over the past two weeks, you should now be able to read the last chapter.

If you have yet to read any of Monarch or downloaded Stage Two or Three before reading Stage One, no worries.  Stage One is available for FREE on Smashwords.

Stage Four is due for release on 11/10/2012.


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