Well, the day I had been waiting to arrive for two months finally got here today. I had an opportunity to meet with Author Joshua Corin and discuss the first twenty pages of my novel Monarch. Nice guy. We have a few things in common that attracted me to seek advice from him as opposed to one of the other fine writers made available to us through the Atlanta Writers Club. The fact that he too has written a number of screenplays was a nice commonality. That two of his novels were from a female's perspective was another point of interest. The twenty minutes flew by.
Mr. Corin was kind enough to make notes upon the pages I had submitted earlier in the month. In addition to his notes, he also relayed what he liked about those first few pages and expressed what he felt may need possible tweaking before publication. I look forward to reviewing the notes from our conversation over the next couple of days.
The folks at AWC, as always, did a real nice job in putting this all together. I want to thank them and Mr. Corin for taking the time to do the Prep Workshop. The November conference is just around the corner, can't wait.