
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And then some.... (My take on the Best Picture Category come Oscar NIght)

I have a little extra time this week, due to a neck injury, to impart a few more words.  Don't worry it's nothing I haven't dealt with before.  If anything it allows me to do something other than yammer on about what stories I'm working on.

Since I have a background in the performing arts, and seeing as it is awards season, I guess I could give a few opinions on the Oscar nominated movies from last year.  I have only seen the following six, as of yet:  True Grit, The Social Network, Black Swan, Inception, The King's Speech and The Fighter.  First let me say that I love Hollywood.  I love all the great films it has turned out over the years.  I love the fact that no matter how many garbage remakes come through the pipeline, there are still those that stand above the original.  I love the fact that one of our greatest exports to the world is entertainment.  Well, kind of.  It does mean that there are more opportunities for dreamers such as myself.  The negative aspect of that I won't bother going into without chapters. 

I will say this: I saw a couple of these films after the Globes, so my opinions might be a little skewed based on those results.  But then again maybe you will agree.

True Grit -  As I mentioned before, I am not a big fan of remakes.  As a writer I'd like to say that I would never want to tackle what another has already done so well.  Though when you mention the Cohen Brothers and Jeff Bridges, I had to admit I was excited.  And the movie did not disappoint.  Admittedly, it has been a long time since I saw the original on Ted's TBS, but the updating did this particular remake a lot of justice.   

The Social Network - With this particular movie I had my doubts about it going in.  While I am not the biggest fan of Facebook, I did want to see this - even if it was after its Globes win for best picture.  Going in I didn't want to believe that it could be better than the other four that I had already seen ( True Grit, Inception, Black Swan or the Fighter).  And it wasn't.  While it is captivating to see how the famous social website came to be, I never felt anything for the main character.  And as a writer, if you don't have a likable main character, a hero, you better have an interesting anti-hero.  In this particular story the only likable character is a secondary character; he is the only one with a character arch.  It was as if the main character was devoid of emotion.  Needless to say this is not my pick for best picture.  Good but definitely not great. 

Black Swan - Other than the one similarity to The Wrestler, my favorite movie of the year.  If I had never seen that movie, this might well be one of my favorites of all time. All I can say is that Natalie Portman should win best actress, and thank you everyone else for showing up.  

Inception - This was the one movie from last year that I had to see.  It was truly something to behold in IMAX.  It amazes me how little love Nolan gets from his peers.  At the time this came out I had it in the race for Best Picture.  Of course, then all the Oscar bait came out at the end of the year, killing any chance for this film to win.  But in truth, it is the slow pace and excessive exposition that keeps this film from going toe to toe with its competition.  But there wasn't another film that I saw this past year that was half as cool. 

The King's Speech - This was the last of the six that I have seen, and I may have saved the best for last.  The performances in this movie are top notch.  The writing is first class.  If you like classics, you'll love this.  The Social Network crowd might find this a bit too stuffy.  If I were betting with your money, I'd say this will win best picture.  It fits the mold. 

The Fighter - The film that might shock the world!  While there are some establishing moments that may linger a bit too long, this movie has it all, and then some.  Bale is a lock for best supporting actor.  He and Natalie are the only two sure things in all the races.  This movie might be the little big picture that could come awards night.

So, sure there are four other films that are up for Best Picture but these are the six that have a chance -- maybe 127 Hours, I haven't seen it yet.  The writer in me wants to see Black Swan or Inception win, but I believe the night will either belong to The King's Speech or The Fighter, or maybe both, seeing as one might win Best Picture and the other Best Director.  


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