
Thursday, February 17, 2011

***Update*** "And then some..... (My take on the Best Picture Category come Oscar NIght)

Well, I have now seen Winter's Bone.  It is a slow-boiled mystery set in the gritty, live-by-the-land Ozarks.  The story paints a very dark picture of how a criminal brotherhood has ties into the lives of everyone who lives there -- for bad and for good.  The got-your-back nature of the hill people reminded me of a screenplay I wrote several years ago entitled Millers Ridge (A story about a young man who is wrongly accused of murdering his girlfriend, but finds support from the people of the town.)

Winter's Bone is a well made film worthy of being viewed, but I am afraid it is just too emotionally dour to have a chance come Oscar night.  Though the young star in this film, Jennifer Lawrence, is sure to have nothing but good things happen in her career for some time.

                                    CLICK to read the original post.


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