
Monday, March 28, 2011

The Last Days of March

It's been an interesting month.  A lot has happened in the world.  If this blog were about current events, I would be tempted to go off about the litany of headlines that shook the web, tv and newspapers during the past four weeks.  While my heart goes out to all of those suffering in Japan and elsewhere in the world, this blog is not intended to traverse those paths, besides I have a novel to rewrite.

Speaking of which, I have made headway on the rewrite this month.  Not as much as I would have liked, but I was able to address the Big Picture issues. I had, at the onset of this Blog back in December, planned on releasing Part One in July.  Though I may still, I no longer feel as if I must.  Sometimes life has other plans or puts obstacles in your way and you have to go around, through, over, and in some cases under.  It's just the way it is, such as what happened this month.  I wont go into detail, but I will say it has been difficult to focus and get as much done as I had hoped.  If I were to adhere to the July release plan, this month would be considered a setback, but by removing the pressure of July the month of March has been modestly productive.

I have high hopes for April.  It looks to be the first month of "real" rewriting.  By this time next month I should be well into Stage One. But we'll see.  Hopefully, things will not be as turbulent as this month.  Yet if they are, we will all just have to try and deal with it as best possible.

Thanks for reading.


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