
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thor's Day

Spring is in the air this St Patrick's Day – a time when we traditionally drink to our saints and watch college basketball.   But after viewing the new trailer for Sucker Punch, I am feeling motivated to venture back into the blogging world and talk a little mythology.

Mythology?  Really? 

Yes, really.  And I'll tell you why: because mythology is everywhere.  Some might say it is the fabric of our collective life.  If you still doubt the importance of mythology just do a little research into what day of the week it is today (Thursday), or why we celebrate today's holiday (St. Patrick’s Day) and then watch the Sucker Punch Trailer and tell me that none of them have anything to do with a mythology. 

Ok, moving on.

Having done extensive research in order to write numerous stories containing mythologies, and with my soon to be released novel, Monarch, also steeped deeply in various mythologies, I believe it is about time I shared a little on this subject. 

In my story Monarch my main character, Ginger Reed, is reading a book called Cipher in the lead-up to 12/21/2012.  To begin with, that date already has a lot of energy focused at it, and not much of it is good.  With all the catastrophes the world suffers in the lead up to that date, our collective fears shall grow, concerned that something else might be looming.  That fear, in its own right, can have dominion over many, just like the mythologies of art and religion have had since their inception.  We all believe in some sort of mythology, unless we believe in nothing and even that is a belief that has a faceless power at its source. 

I don’t want to give too much away, but the mythology behind Cipher is actually very simple.  I chose to mix aspects of reality from our everyday lives here on planet Earth with the power of our collective beliefs.  In Cipher the main character, Ted Parker, travels to a parallel dimension, one that is connected to our own existence here, but it is completely different.  From there in the parallel world the mythology holds sway over those back here on Earth.  Once the book is released I look forward to going into further detail, but until then I’ll have to leave you to wonder.



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