
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Other Tweaks to "The Plan"

Since I seem to be altering things with the novel, I need also take my other writings into consideration.  My so-called plan at the beginning of the year had me hoping to release all sorts of things: a novel, screenplays and short-stories.  Heck, I'm surprised I didn't say I was going to have two novels ready to go by year's end.

I was eager around the new year.  Can you blame me? The prospect of e-publishing at the time was intoxicating. How easy it all sounded. All you have to do is fill out a few online forms and "Poof!" you're published.

Who knows, maybe by December I'll have a short story or screenplay ready to go.  I'd like to be able to do that, but my main focus is MonarchTime and quality are the two biggest issues I face with the novel, and they affect the prospect of me working on anything else. The need to publish with enough time for a reader to read Monarch before 12/21/2012 is vital.  But to rush it because I also want to release a short story, or because of the ever-dwindling amount of time before 2012 would likely affect the overall quality.  Even though a part of me knows I've been a writer for awhile now, I must remember that I am still new to publishing.  To scribble on a sheet of paper is nothing.  To rework it into something people will actually want to read is something.

I'll eventually get around to the other projects.  Believe me, I can't wait.  But for now, let us be content with the progress on Monarch.


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