
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring 2012

Now  it's official, Spring is finally here.  However, it has seemed like we here in Georgia skipped Winter altogether.  

I hope some of you took advantage of the chance to snag your digital copy of Monarch for free yesterday.  I may try and find another way to do so in the future, but until then I have let my exclusivity deal with the Amazon KDP program expire.  It brought me a thousand downloads of my first novel, and for that I am grateful.   

I had an opportunity to do something over the weekend that I haven't done in a long, long time - be on a film set.  I've spent so much time writing these past several years that I had almost forgotten how much I have truly missed "the collaboration."   Having worked on both sides of the camera for a number of short films I did several years ago, I didn't get the opportunity to really enjoy what I was doing.  Not that I didn't enjoy it, it was just that I was so busy juggling duties it was hard to take a moment and just appreciate it all while in the middle of it.  

Even though I cannot disclose what it was that I was working on, I can explain the emotional side of what it meant to actually be among the activity that is being a part of a production.  For those who have no idea what it is like to be on a set, it truly is as if you are within a bee hive—people buzzing around, going this way and that, all doing a specific job but focused on a singular goal.  I truly believe that if there were any of a variety of problems somewhere in the world you could send a film crew in to fix it.  

My first artistic love was acting.  I have been so caught up in the writing of Monarch, which I am married to in an artistic way, though I sure wouldn't mind having a few affairs with a film or theater role every now and again.  Nothing would make me happier than to be able to act and write at the same time.  And even though that may not be in the cards for a while, it sure was nice to have that ever-so-brief tryst, just that little taste to see what it could be like.  And Papa likes.  Good times.  Thanks you guys.  I miss all of  you already.

Now, to the business at hand.  The Release Date for Stage Two of Monarch (Larva/ Caterpillar) is something I have been reluctant to set up to this point.  Why?  Well, I didn't want to blurt something out that I couldn't deliver on.  

Some of you may remember what happened last year with Stage One and the Atlanta Writers Conference:  I announced its release for the same weekend of the conference, which I signed up for after the announcement.  Then I waited too long to make the change of date and upset a few people.  I still feel awful about that.  Thankfully, I don't plan on attending any conference from now until all four stages are made available, so there will be no overlap. While I have every confidence that I can deliver by this date, other factors beyond my control could arise to cause a delay—last year was chalk full, so I know it could happen again.  We're going to cross our fingers and give it a go just the same.  

On Thursday May 31, 2012 Monarch: Larva (Stage Two of the Series) will be releasing in eBook format.  

As of right now Monarch is only available through Amazon, though that will likely change.  I have been holding off on releasing via the Nook or iBook format just to make sure that I get everything (design-wise) looking the way it needs to be before sending it out to a wider audience.   By sticking with Amazon for the short term I can make changes if needed, while updating the next two stages.  

Stage One (Egg) shall be getting an update shortly and an email will go out to those who already have their copies.  

Stage Three (Chrysalis/ Cocoon) will hopefully be ready to release soon after Stage Two is released in late May.  I will make that announcement shortly.  

Just as with the release of Stage One, I will be making Stage Two available for Presale as its own separate eBook.  However, if you have purchased or intend to purchase all four stages at the same time as Monarch, they will be updated on or before the release dates.  You will receive an email from Amazon informing you what to do to receive the newer version on your kindle device of choice, or with the free downloadable application you used.   

I thank you all for your interest in my first novel and I appreciate your patience as I try to work the kinks out during the self-publishing process.


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