
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Autumnal Harvest

This is my favorite time of year, October.  Spring is a close second.  And the two change in favor depending on what time of year it is. The leaves falling off the trees.  The pleasant drop in temperature.  A change in wardrobe.  Change.  The past, present and future can be perceived simultaneously during Autumn. 

I missed the progression of seasons while in Los Angeles.   Visually it stays the same most of the year.  Growing up in the south, the change of seasons became part of who I am.  Fall is a reminder that all things must change.  It is also a time to harvest.  It is a reflective period, similar to January, except that there are still two and a half months left in the year.  What has been achieved must be accounted for and put to use.  For me, that harvest is Monarch, my first novel, due to be released in four stages over the next year. 

Egg is now in the "The Spit and Polish" stage of the rewrite process.   At this point, I am no longer making wholesale revisions -- the time for that was yesterday.  The next thirty days shall be geared towards refining and making subtle modifications before the November Atlanta Writers Club Conference. 

While I look forward to meeting with all of those at the Conference, the release of Egg is not reliant upon what transpires over that weekend.  I'm a former theater guy, and the show must go on.  The stage is set.  Part one of Monarch will be available to read with a Kindle App by the end of the year.

Time to open the windows and get back to work.


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