
Thursday, October 20, 2011

When words are not necessary (Poem)

When words are not necessary, an ending has either long since passed or is close at hand.  You find yourself speechless due to exhaustion of the mind or physical condition.

The King of Sighs rules this realm.  He has seen an epiphany in the eyes of billions, marveled as all worries ease into gladness.  Long it has been since he has smiled back.

The bond between one and another, when words are not needed, is as close to a psychic connection as the masses can achieve.  At these moments, new archetypes are forged in our swelling collective conscious.  Monuments of the mind or cloud figurines?

Be you a seeker or lost finder, your path shall lead you there.  And words won’t be necessary.

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This marks the first of several Cipher inspired poems that I hope to post over the next year.  They will be grouped together in Ted's Poetry Page.


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