
Friday, December 30, 2011

2011: The Year That Was (Part Two)

January 2011 arrived with snow and ice.  It was downright frigid.  January seems to be the time of year I go into assessment and betterment mode.  I take account of what is going on around me and then make adjustments where I see fit. It's like righting the course by the North Star while at sea .  I take classes, do extensive research and read, read , read.  This past January began like others until I sustained an injury.

It happened in late January.  A pinch in my neck.  Numbness in my fingers.  It was painful but I pushed on without treatment.  Stupid!

For the next few months, I labored through typing as I made gradual progress on the rewrite.  Periods of Ice and Heat became my daily routine.  Ibuprofen my fiendish friend.  The pace was slow but I was making progress.  My confidence was coming back and I set a release date for Stage One:  July 1st.

February became March, which quickly became April, and then May arrived.  It was in May that I suffered another setback.  I woke up in agony as thunderbolts of pain shot through the back of my neck.  I couldn't work to support myself and the rewrite ground to a halt.

To be continued tomorrow... 

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