
Monday, April 16, 2012

Cipher Poems (Vol. 1)

As promised here are a couple of poems.  Having gone through several notebooks, I realized that it might be best to use some of the poems that were in the original screenplay for Cipher.      


Within these walls you can begin anew.  Some have cowered at the magnitude of their surroundings, and so they should. For the knowledge obtained here just may come with a price. 


With your sex on, having dawned an animal mask, you easily slip through.

Natural Law now absorbing what man once made.  Soft green surroundings rounding off what once was square.  Slowly you enter its dark wooden inlayed heart and soul.  Dimly lit warm and inviting your pulse begins to race and time as you know it ceases to exist.  For within these walls you become atmosphere and mystery for another.

Having each other’s free will to play with, you watch it waged upon like horses and cattle at auction.  All the while drinking from vessels usually reserved for celebration.  Drawing forth a golden nectar from within these walls and toasting with those who have resolved. 

With a head full of spirited confidence you rise and begin to dance.  Circling one another and then surrounded.  You toss your head back and think of long lingering memories with a smile. 


It’s time for your branding. 

For within these walls there is just one kind of understanding.  And while beauty in youth does reside, from the cipher none can hide.

Witches Cauldron

Cauldron of significant occurrence,
Mix it and watch it bubble.
Worry not for those in trouble;
They’ll catch up or fate shall double.
Rendered helpless by intricate design; 
Help shall be offered, 
Creeping forth from behind. 

Dream of the Other Side

Enter now a new domain;
Hooded members in circles chanting.
What sorcery lies within?
Mass lunacy, New Devil Prophet
Or maybe just maybe Youthful Hope;
Knowledge and Wisdom its magical Thread.                 
Persuading from want into need,
Pulling from memory and planting a seed.


Strange yet seemingly appropriate timing;
Abandonment in circular percussion.
Rising skyward through the mist filled night,
Obscure masks invading vision.
Dreams confuse reality.
Undulating waves of hysteria
Exonerate a restless heart.
A euphoric Search and Seizure
Places life on display.
Picking you up and swirling you to your feet;
Tis the celebration of creation,
Of living lustful life sensation

Coincidence or Fate?

Be wary of those with whom you trust  
For there are those who’s Fate is such 
Doomed through others within relation  
An ironic bed for a fool’s temptation

Let me know if you like what you've read and I may head back into the dusty archives for a few more.  


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