
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

About Time!

Well, after enough complaining to get the right people to take notice, Amazon sent me another email this morning.  In this morning's email they apologized and said that emails would be going out by week's end to all those who have purchased Monarch.  Hooray!  Or as  I prefer to say after needlessly wasting hours of my life, "About time."

I hope the email updates do actually go out by week's end, but I'll believe it when I see it.  I'm still waiting to get that phone number that was promised.  I have a feeling that will never be sent.

Rhetorical Question: Do you suppose it is better for these big businesses to have their customers waste their time over days and weeks, in some cases, as opposed to hiring enough people to actually deal with those customers' issues immediately?  Of course it is!  Who needs a good reputation when you own the marketplace?  When saving money is more important than the customers who supply it, it's time for that to change. And yet if there is no one to complain to, then nothing can be changed.  Wow, what a perfect way to horde all the money and piss everyone else off.  Stay classy you soulless monopolies.

I look forward to talking to you guys on the other side of those email updates.  If you have any troubles--well, wait a minute.  I'd give you a phone number, but apparently there is no such number.  So I guess you could try and email them,  but that could take weeks for them to figure things out.  Oh hell, let's just hope that it works properly.  

Thanks for reading.


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