
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Time To Go Big

I've finally decided to take Monarch wider than Amazon.  This is due in large part because of Amazon and the poor customer service I have received since the beginning of the year.  This type of thing happens when you get too big for your own good.

When it comes to dealing with professionals, I expect to explain myself once and have that be sufficient to get my point across.  I always think of the Cars song "Psycho Killer" at such times.  "Say something once, why say it again?

That's enough hating on Amazon.  I would advise self-publishing authors who are attempting something similar to what I am working on (Releasing a novel that REQUIRES multiple updates), to be warned that your patience will be tested with Amazon's customer service, and your readers will be forced to wait needlessly.  OK, now I'm done.        

The Spectacularly Awesome result of Amazon FAILING is that it forced me to move to SMASHWORDS earlier than I had planned.  Why I was waiting, I can now barely remember.

So from here on out I will be submitting to both Amazon and Smashwords separately for the last two stages of Monarch.  This will provide my little story with a chance at a larger audience, and a chance for my wonderful readers to update to the next stage at their choosing.  I LOVE that aspect of it.

The move to Smashwords also made me address something else that I had intended to wait on doing.  I have created a Table of Contents in both the Amazon and Smashwords versions.  This was much easier than I thought it was going to be; and like the move to Smashwords, I don't know why I didn't do it earlier.  Live and learn.

The only downside to Smashwords is that some of the text, like the newspaper article at the beginning, are squished in some of the formats that the Meatgrinder spits it out into. I'll try and get that fixed by the time Stage Three is released in July.

Thanks for reading.  I hope you enjoy Stage Two.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do on Stage Four.

PS.  For those of you who read all the way to the end of this post here is your prize.

This is a 1/2 off Coupon for Monarch for the next 3 days at Smashwords. Enjoy!

Promotional price: $2.00
Coupon Code: QJ58E
Expires: June 4, 2012


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