
Monday, December 17, 2012


Four days and counting until 12/21/2012.  Or did you think I would let you forget?

Admittedly, I have had to begin thinking about how to promote Monarch once Friday has come and gone.  So much of my focus over the past three years has been focused on the 21st.

My surprise this year has been how willing most everyone has been to simply dismiss this Friday as if it were nothing.  It certainly is not nothing.  Another surprise is how unwilling the majority of people are to take a real look at themselves and the world around them.  Are we all so interesting and self-involved that we do not see our own place in the world?

I am as guilty as anyone of enclosing myself in a bubble from time to time.  We all do this because of the importance we place upon our goals at any given moment.  Be it a much-needed vacation, family, retirement, love, video games, you name it.  The end of a man-made cycle of time that coincides with astronomical alignments and potential earth changes just has to take a backseat.  But it is there for all of us in the rear-view mirror, so close that it's wanting to move into the front seat and drive.

Anthropologists, Sociologists and Psychologists are having a field day watching how people are reacting to our proximity to this Friday.  They are keen to see how we all deal with the much maligned day.

I watched a program on one of the science channels (can't remember which channel or what show it was) and it discussed how people pay less attention to a known potential cataclysm the closer they are to it.  People who live near volcanoes live in denial of potential disaster.  Same as those who live on a "known" fault line that is overdue for a massive quake.  The same is apparently true for most people concerning this Friday.

Why else has talk about Friday's importance to all of us been left up to a selected few archaeologists and NASA scientists the past eight months?  FEAR, that is why.  There is no benefit for a country, outside of Mexico and Guatemala, in focusing too much attention on December 21, 2012.  Those two countries are raking in mad money due to tourism.

Our perception of what that day means has been altered this year to serve a purpose.  The purpose is to maintain normalcy and suppress anxiety.  There were two big misinformation bombs that I heard over the past year.  One, the Mayan's didn't take into account Leap Years.  Therefore, they claim, the end day has passed or is yet to come.  I heard this one so many times doing research that it made me wonder if it was true.  It turns out the Maya didn't need leap years because their calendar was more precise than our own.  The second round of misinformation was the great deal of importance given to an archaeological find this past spring.  Some writings were found in a pyramid chamber that mentioned cycles after the end of the 13th Baktun on 12/21/2012 -- the supposed end of the long count calendar.  The find littered news sites on the internet and on television for two weeks.  Why?  To suppress fears.  Genius!

Many people already knew that the Maya thought of time in terms of cycles repeating themselves.  This information was publicized for those who did not already know about those cycles.  Some New Agers knew it, that was why they were talking about a new beginning and not destruction.

I am all for people not getting freaked out by something they cannot control.  It does none of us any good.  But dismissing the significance of Friday is not wise either.  The people of this world suffer many faults, myself included.  There are way too many of us on this rock and we are still growing out of control.  We have become a detriment to our own planet.  These are facts.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is either in it for the money or has been led astray by someone who is.

The only thing NASA needs to be doing is finding another planet for us to live on, because the way things are going this one will be used up within a handful of generations.

I'm no hippie-dippie peace and love advocate.  We just can't allow special interests to destroy our home planet just to pad their pockets. WTF point is there in that?  Although there may be no way we can currently stop it, that doesn't mean we should stop talking about it.  Sure, we'll all likely be long gone by that time, but is that really how we want to be remembered?  A generation of people who idly sat on their hands and allowed those who don't care about us, except for how they can profit from us, to stick a knife deeper and deeper into our collective side as a species?

There are many things to take pride in as a species, but communication is probably our crowning achievement.  A majority of our technology is communication oriented in one way or another.  It's all about our making our point.  Be it as individuals or as a species.  We are the speakers for our planet and our solar system. (Have we ever named our solar system?)  Beginning on 12/22/2012, our goals need at the very least include becoming worthy ambassadors to such an immense responsibility.  We all have greatness within us. Sometimes it's just too difficult to show.

Regardless of what you think may or may not occur on Friday, we are living in a time of great change.  What kind of change that will be is to some extent up to us as individuals. There may be no D-Day for what transpires.  It may be a gradual realization.  That is how humanity had progressed up until the start of the twentieth century.  But with the speeding up of everything in our lives these days, our old, slow way of processing new information is changing.   This change has already begun, regardless of our actual awareness of exactly what it will mean for us.

If you feel yourself within a time of great change even after 12/21/2012, I highly recommend my book Monarch.  The book is all about change.  Good and Bad.  It's about taking personal responsibility for who you are and the choices that you make.  But most importantly, Monarch is about how we are connected to one another, and how that connection can and does affect all of us.

I swear it's not a love fest.  I didn't even mention that I deliver my own brand of Apocalypse to Ginger Reed and her world in this story.  What kind of 12/21/2012 story would this be without at least a little carnage.  My being able to present that was alone worth the effort to write the story.

If you haven't picked up Monarch before 12/21/2012, don't worry, you'll get just as much out of it afterwards.  Grab a copy and enjoy the ride.  


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