
Monday, December 10, 2012

Enter The Cipher

One month in the cipher with eleven days to go until we reach the center.  That is how Ginger Reed, the main character of my novel Monarch, would frame her belief surrounding the winter solstice this year.  That focused state of concern can happen at any time for anyone one who lives and breathes.  A prophetic apocalypse need not be passed down from an archaic civilization to warrant the ecstatic state of fear that Ginger experiences.  It helps, but isn't required.  

Our perception of our own existence in reality, and how that reality can be affected by everything around us, is the crux of her crisis.  We all live in a personalized bubble.  As does everyone else in our lives.  Some of the time, with a person's age and unique situation varying the circumstances, the bubble allows information to pass back and forth freely through its membrane.   

For the sake of the story, let's just say that Ginger's bubble has become rigid -- her bubble a shield.  Action or reaction is required on her part to ward off danger.  If she were a lioness, her ears would be pinned back. She is defensive and ready to pounce.    

That is the state of mind of the main character in Monarch.  My debut novel that is now available in its entirety.  (Originally released as eBooks in four individual stages throughout 2012)

The Paperback versions are now available as well.  For those who like Scott Padgett's artwork and want to seem them represented in their full color brilliance,  there is the 8x10 version.  The cost was beyond my control, though it is cheaper than most College Classroom Books.  There is a coupon code at the back of the recently updated eBook versions of Monarch.  If you buy the eBook you can get the code and save money.  The coupon takes 38% of the sticker price.  

The second paperback is also available.  It is a 6x9 black and white version of Monarch.  The listing price for that is $14.99.  Both paperbacks are available for one or two day shipping.  

Should she and her family survive 12/21/2012, Ginger's Birthday is on the other side of the swirling cipher for her, and it's a big one.  She will be turning the BIG 40.  Monarch is an ode to the enduring human spirit inside us all. Take the ride along with Ginger and be changed forever.


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