
Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Psychological Apocalypse!

Whew!  We made it.

All the naysayers will have their day of "I told you so's." And so they should.

As for those who had been waiting with bated breath for this day... slowly emerge from your bunkers and rejoin the world.  Any embarrassment will pass.

While there is certainly no shame in clinching up over what might possibly have happened, it is time to transition into another way of  using that energy.  What we do from here on out is up to us.  Because the only thing standing in our way now is ourselves.

"If only I had..." is no longer a viable excuse.  The future lay beyond this day's threshold and new plans need be made.

It was so much fun working on a story that had today 12/21/2012 as the psychological apocalypse for my main character.  Writing about the future was both fun and frustrating at the same time.  The future is much like a blank page.  While anything theoretically might take place, the hand that holds the pen that makes its mark upon the page has a history.  In that case, what is written may come with surprises but is always in relation to something that has happened prior.

The media's minimizing the importance of this day over the past few months has been intriguing to watch.  It showed how we might be coaxed into dealing with other events in the future.  Suppressing anxiety is a good thing.  But doing so by eliminating discussion is scary on another level.

As we continue on through this holiday season and into the new year, let us all be thankful for what we have right now, because no one knows when it might all be gone.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


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