
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Halloween Treat

I am posting today to wish you all a Happy and Safe Halloween.  Also, I want to inform you about the Sneak Preview of Monarch:Egg.  Several months ago, I contemplated giving people who purchased Monarch early a collectible item.  My choosing to publish through Amazon seemed to eliminate that option.  I thought about giving away t-shirts with the Monarch logo and had several other ideas in mind.  Oh well.

While I can no longer give away t-shirts or other gifts of appreciation, I can reward those who purchase my book early in one way through Amazon.  For anyone who purchases either Monarch: Egg or Monarch before 11/13/11...ish, I will give you a Sneak Peek at Monarch.

How will I do this?

Well, the Sneak Peek will not be available immediately.  First, I have to attend the 11/11-11/12 Atlanta Writers Conference and see what comes of that.  At some point after that weekend, and before the 12/22/2011 release date, I will make the preview available.  Amazon will send an email informing you that an update has been made to the book.  By clicking on a link in the email it will allow you to replace the message with the Sneak Preview of the book on your Kindle or Kindle application.

I am choosing to do the Sneak Preview for two reasons.  1) It is a way for me to apologize for having to change the Release Date because of the Conference.  2) It is a way for me to thank you for purchasing Monarch before it is even available.  And I appreciate that very much.

Happy Halloween!
Aaron Pitters


The Dirty Masons said...

Keep the faith and good work Aaron. We have been following this since it was created. Some of your readers may want to check out the following links while waiting on the release date of Monarch!

Author/ Screenwriter said...

Thanks for dropping by Dirty Masons. I appreciate the support. Quite a nice variety of music you guys have on the sampler.
