
Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: The Year That Was (Part One)

Hard to believe 2012 is almost here.  I have mixed feelings looking back over the year of 2011.  As I get older, I try and stay optimistic because people have always seemed to think I'm a pessimist or a cynic.

I prefer to call myself a realist.  Just like an avid football enthusiast might question the effective return of Peyton Manning, I question the durasticity (duration of elasticity) of the "norm" in society and personal human interactions due to a myriad of possible opposing influences that can drastically affect the life of an individual, their family, as well as a society.  Some things shake but can not destroy our normal way of living.  Other times things are changed so dramatically that a new "norm" is created and the way things were is cast to memory.

What does that all have to do with 2011?  


At the start of 2011 I was just beginning the rewrite of my four-staged novel Monarch.  I was feeling good.  I had finished the first draft in November 2010, four months after I began in early July.  My pride was showing and my confidence was high.  With how easy it had been to finish the 1st draft, I figured the rewrite would go just as smoothly.

I was wrong.

To be continued tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Aaron! Good seeing you on xmas and cant wait to read the paper version of your book!

Author/ Screenwriter said...

Thank You. Happy New Year to you, Danielle!

Paper version? The Apocalypse may have come and gone by the time you cage this butterfly and force it onto paper.

If it comes out on paper, it won't be until, at least, September. There has to be enough interest to warrant it, for I am perfectly happy to have Monarch only available as an eBook.
