
Friday, July 13, 2012

Flight of the Monarch

Well sound the trumpets and strike up the band.  Great news, everyone.  After seven agonizing weeks of waiting, the frustration is over.  Amazon has sent out the mass email to all of you who have purchased Monarch (Stages 1-4) through their website.

I am very pleased with the content of those emails, too.  It gives people a choice of replying "yes" to the email as you did back in December, or by going to your Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon.  

Anybody who has kept up with this Blog will know that this is a gigantic relief for me.  I try not to get stressed out over things that cannot be controlled, but this book has not been like just any other thing.

All I can do is avoid making the same mistake with my next book.  As I have said before, the writing of a serial story is traditionally released with each individual part made for sale in order, with the whole thing released only after all the other parts are out there.

My attempt to utilize the Amazon update system for the release of Monarch blew up in my face over these past seven weeks.  This was never supposed to be about changing the way books are released.  I just tried to make it as easy and affordable for a reader to get a hold of my book.

Don't get me wrong, I still think a book that receives updates is a good idea.  This is a digital age and such a thing should be possible without hassle or delay.  It's just that all readers who purchase this type of book need to be aware of those updates when they are made available, and they need not be punished by delays for expecting that, either.  

Who knows maybe things will change because of my vociferous complaining over the past month and a half. I'm just glad that the emails have finally gone out.

Now I can focus on the positive, and start looking forward to the release of Stage Three.
The Apocalypse is Nigh!   



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