
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July Update for Monarch

As you have undoubtedly heard me talk about before, the release of stage two of Monarch  has been a minor disaster.  I can no longer stay angry with Amazon.  I must now accept the blame entirely as my own.

My desire to utilize the technology of the time caused me to go against what thousands of others have done when releasing a story in parts, as a serial.  Releasing Monarch  under the assumption that timely email updates would coincide with the release of each stage was naive on my part.  While I thought, and still do think, that it would be a great way to read a book, the application of the technology is not truly available to a consumer yet.

When I released Stage One in December of 2011, everything worked out perfectly.  A little too perfectly.  I was under the foolish belief that the rest of the stages would release in similar fashion.  That wasn't the case, and it looks like it won't be the case with Stages Three or Four, either.  I cannot apologize enough for my horrible planning blunder.     

I have since removed from sale on Amazon the version of Monarch (Stages 1-4) that requires updates, and from everywhere else except Smashwords.  Smashwords is the only place I know for certain that a customer has access to updates as soon as they are posted.  Updates to each stage will be made available to Amazon customers who purchased Monarch in the Manage Your Kindle page on the Amazon website, and when and if they ever send out emails alerting you.

The four individual Stages (Egg, Larva, Chrysalis and Butterfly) will be available separately on multiple eBook retail websites (Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Google, etc.).  Upon the release of Stage Four Monarch will take flight again.

I know this faux pas on my part has upset some people and I may not be able to regain your trust, but I'd like to try.  It took me a little while to think what I might do to make it up to all those Amazon readers who have already purchased Monarch.  My previous hopes to reward you for your purchase of all four stages at once has been more frustrating than rewarding for all of us. Amazon included.  I've torn about three or four customer service reps new ones over the past month.  So needless to say I don't want to disappoint you again.

My idea to make it up to you guys is this: Since no one else can purchase Monarch (Stages 1-4) until all fours stages are released that means only you who have purchased it can receive updates for Monarch. When I release Stage Three (Chrysalis) I will first make it available exclusively to those of you Amazon customers (Not Smashwords or any other eBook retailer) who have had to suffer because of my mistake.  Only once that update is available to you will I release Stage Three to others.  This update will likely NOT  come via email, but it will be available in the Manage Your Kindle page on the Amazon website. Hopefully, Amazon won't change their update policy again and I won't have to explain this some other way.  I will inform you guys through my various websites once those updates are available.

Doing a release this way prevents me from stating an actual release date like I did with the other stages. I   have no idea how long it will take for the update to be made available after I upload stage three.

The good news is my editor is nearly finished with stage three and I am hoping to give her stage four by the end of the month. As long as I can implement those edits, do a proper polish and motivate my illustrator, Stage Three should be ready to roll before September.

I'll keep you guys posted.


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